French Vibes

By the title you can probably tell i'm learning french. I do it on Duelingo, and so far i'm fourteen percent fluent. Pretty good for only doing it for two days. Its fun and pretty easy, and since i did french on another website for awhile the french phrases were pretty easy. To name a few:
Bonsoir (good evening!)
Bonjour, cá-va? (hello, how are you?)
Non, d'accord. (no. i'm sorry)
D'accord (okay)

Theres lots more but i'll stop there. I also thought it was kinda funny how i was listening to Despacito a very spanish song while learning french. The only word i know in that song is "Slowly" which is Despacito. Anyway, i have to go to Lowes than back home, than to my La tantes to swim and for dinner. Au revoir!!!


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